Beer Stylin’
Certificate Level 2: Beer Lover
There are hundreds of beer styles within the two main categories of ales and lagers. Each of them has a story and expected attributes. These attributes are the beer lover’s keys to choosing the perfect beer for the perfect moment, for making amazing beer and food pairings and for opening wide the doors of beer appreciation. This certificate is for you if you want to build upon basic beer knowledge and take your beer geekery to the next level.
Certificate learning outcomes:
Tell the story behind a beer style
Describe what is expected from a specific beer style
Determine if a beer is true to style, or a style with a twist
Differentiate between styles that are close to each other
All workshops are 90 minutes long and held via Zoom unless stated otherwise.
Choose 3 courses for a certificate, or take them individually
Everything Stout: From Dry to Imperial
Originally the strongest version of a porter, stouts became their own unique style in 1800s England. Stouts are dark ales that encompass a large range of flavor and aroma, from sweet maltiness to acrid coffee like flavor. In this online workshop via Zoom, beer lovers will explore this style’s history, aroma and taste. Gain some beer cred by picking the Imperial Stout of a stout lineup.
American IPAs: Craft Beer Superstars
It’s hard to escape IPAs, these hoppy brews take up whole blackboards at breweries and entire refrigerators in bottle shops. The original India Pale Ale was brewed in England, but the style really became popular when it made its way to the states. In this online workshop via Zoom, beer lovers will explore this style’s history, aroma and taste. Gain some beer cred by helping a friend choose the perfect IPA from the giant beer list they’ve been starting at for 15 minutes.
American Pale Ales: A Classic
The classic American craft beer is a steadfast friend that can always be counted on to deliver. Brought over from Britain, this style received a stars and stripes makeover with bright and citrusy hops. In this online workshop via Zoom, beer lovers will explore this style’s history, aroma and taste. Gain some beer cred by describing the differences between British and American hops.
Beer Superpowers
By the end of these workshops you’ll be able to:
Everything Stout
Tell a brief history of stout
Describe the characteristics of a stout
Compare a porter and a stout
Differentiate between different sub styles of stout
American IPAs
Tell a brief history of IPAs
Describe the characteristics of an American IPA
Compare an American and a British IPA
Differentiate between different sub styles of IPA
American Pale Ales
Tell a brief history of pale ales
Describe the characteristics of an American pale ale
Compare an American and a British pale ale
Compare to an American IPA